Emily Elizabeth is a small-town gal born and raised from a rural town in Pennsylvania, but currently residing in the heart of Manhattan after enjoying the sunny beaches of Southern California for 6 years. She is a full-time creative entrepreneur and podcast host with a love for mindful living and visual storytelling rooted in meaningful relationships.
Prior to her 20s, she was a competitive figure skater and USTA-ranked tennis player and competed in both sports for over ten years. Shortly after, Emily embarked on her college journey and moved across the country to Southern California with just two suitcases, herself, and a dream to finally begin designing a life she wanted for herself. In 2019, she graduated from Chapman University with Magna Cum Laude honors and a B.A. in Strategic and Corporate Communication and minor in Entrepreneurship.
Emily has a strong passion for overall well-being and personal development, so you will often find her spending her spare time at a workout, reading a book, or having her own deep conversations with friends over dinner and drinks. Emily created What Fulfills You? with the goal of encouraging fellow self-motivated individuals to shift their mindset, think outside of the "norm", and practice living with intention.